1. Vortex Class

The Vortex class provides methods and attributes to interact with the VortexEngine for creating and managing game objects and scenes.

1 __init__(PrivateKey="", Address="", Chain="Aptos", ApiKey=False, **kwargs)

Initializes a Vortex instance.

  • PrivateKey (str): Your private key for authentication. Default is an empty string.

  • Address (str): Your address for interaction. Default is an empty string.

  • Chain (str): The blockchain chain to use. Default is "Aptos".

  • ApiKey (bool): If set to True, it will fetch data using the provided API key.

  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for customization.

2 Object(**kwargs)

Creates and returns a new game object with the specified parameters. Adds the object to the list of temporary objects.

  • Parameters:

    • **kwargs: Parameters such as model, color, scale, etc., to define the game object.

3 Label(**kwargs)

Creates and returns a new text label. Adds the label to the list of temporary objects.

  • Parameters:

    • **kwargs: Parameters such as text and position to define the label.

4 firstPersonController(**kwargs)

Creates and returns a first-person controller. Adds the controller to the list of temporary objects.

  • Parameters:

    • **kwargs: Parameters for customizing the first-person controller.

5 color(color_input)

Converts the input into a color object. Supports color names, hex values, and RGB tuples.

  • Parameters:

    • color_input (str or tuple): The input color in the form of a name, hex value, or RGB tuple.

6 UpdateBlock()

Updates the global output JSON with the current state of objects and colors.

  • Returns:

    • None

7 run()

Starts the Vortex application. Handles application shutdown and updates the output JSON.

  • Returns:

    • None

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